Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hello Everyone, I hope you all had a great Valentine’s day and I send my love from Uganda!! xoxo  I know I have been told by many  I am not updating my blog enough and I apologize. The reason why I don’t update that often is because Many days we are up and out before 7 am and often don’t return till after 6pm and I have friends that have overloaded their blog in the past and it is just too much so  I try to keep it simple and to the point  -- if you have any questions  -- I would love to answer them. 
Over the last few weeks we have settled into our normal routine which includes more ministry and just a bit more than 2 days of class.  Last week we had a visiting Pastor Jonathan Strut from Toronto area as well as the Ugandan Pastors speak. Pastor John and another one of our 360 leader joined us for our ministry which was really cool because the last 2 dimes we did street ministry it was just my group of about 7 on our own. We enjoyed visiting 3 families from the slums and giving books to the kids at school, pencils, soap, sandals etc. I also brought along my balloon making supplies and the kids went crazy over them (even though my skills need some work   dogs of all shapes and giraffes and swords were all I could pull off – apparently I have forgotten how to shape them  but surly will practice to get bunnies, parrots etc. an option.)  Last week was a big week for one of Watoto celebration points as there are many different Watoto churches in Kampala  (East, West, Centrual, North and South) North has built a new building as before it was a huge tent that was used beyond its years. So  my team of 20 spent a half day cleaning the property – raking leaves and picking up garbage and a full day Saturday with the whole team of more than 80 cleaning moving massive pieces of wood and other materials (muscle building work J) And cleaning chairs and cleaning floors some people even got put to work putting the grout in to help with the tiling  -- nothing like doing it the day before!!  Sunday  is always a big day  helping at 2 services --  I am always willing to do whatever as I have experience doing most ministry areas on Sunday  and find I really prefer mixing it up so it doesn’t get boring. Some Sunday duties include, car park attendant, usher, selling table, children’s ministry and security check on the way  in   -- like a simple bag check kinda thing.   Saturdays are usually sports days where we go and play with the kids at one of the Watoto Villages  (however some of the older kids don’t go and play  -- so  I said next time I think I’m going to go to one of their homes to play a game cause some of them aren’t keen to play sports and frankly  I’d rather hang out with them get to know some of the teens then it will be easier to get them to come and play sports with us as it is optional for them to play.  
Tomorrow we are going to Wells of hope school to teach a bible verse do worship and my job tomorrow is to plan the games  -- but not sure of the age range so  may  be coming up with games on the spot.
 This week we have 2 home days at least because Uganda is having a presidential election. The same president has been in power for the last 25 years and there is only an election once every 5 years so please pray that the best leader for Uganda will be elected and the votes will be fair and counted fairly. Also pray for peace during this season of voting – we will be staying in our compound because riots are possible. I will keep you updated as best as I can.  God is on our side and we know with Him all things are possible!!  
P.S. All the ladies were defiantly spoiled for Valentine’s day  -- roses, candle lit dinner and great waiters–great guys!!  
I hope you have a great day!!
Love Manda